All Nodust products are treated with natural ingredients, they are eco friendly and do not contain any chemicals. The treatment is suitable for everyone, from crawling babies to adults. The fragrance used in our products is a natural lemongrass extract and is usually well tolerated. For extremely sensitive cases odorless products are available upon request.
You can postpone anytime by calling our customer service center, we will arrange a delivery on the following week or on our next designated day. An additional rental fee will be added to the monthly rent for this service.
You may add any extra items to your existing contract by calling our Customer Service center. We will update your contract details and deliver the additional item on your next delivery date.
You may cancel any items at any time, our Customer Service staff will be happy to assist you in this procedure.
As much as we would like to deliver the products on your preferred time, unfortunately we are unable to always do so. Our contracts are divided into areas that enable us to cover all of our client’s requirements; each area has an allocated day during the week, except Fridays. However, you can request the name and number of the delivery representative to contact and arrange with him directly
Kindly call our Customer Service center at least two days prior to your departure, we will arrange to send a representative to collect your products until your safe return, doing so will save you unnecessary payment of delayed rental fees.
Yes, you have the choice to pay every 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. If you pay for 12 months in advance you will enjoy a gift of two dust cloths in addition to one free change.
You can cancel at any time and we will arrange to pick up the products and issue you with a refund.
A delayed fee is not considered a penalty, the Nodust concept is based on a rental policy formulated by our head office in Greece. Although we do give exceptions under certain conditions we are still committed to pay this fee to our head office.
The full value of the product must be paid under the following circumstances:
1. If the product is burnt.
2. If Chlorox or any acid has been spilt on it
3. If the product is torn.
4. If the product is lost.
5. If the product gets wet or has been dry-cleaned.
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